A – Advert flash back person
P – Plushie talker
M – Magic 8 ball person
W – Blair Witch Person
L – Fake Lawyer
(close up of his face, he wakes up confused, camera follows him up) Err…
(Looks around) Where am I?
(He rubs his eyes and hears a cry for help close by, he turns to look and sees two people shouting, he panics and runs towards them) What is it, what’s wrong?!
(P and M looks at A) what’s a four letter word that sounds like zero?
(Looks very confused and slightly annoyed) Wha?
(P and M looks at him with hope)…What the F-
(Title cuts in and music plays)(Close up on a scrunching up the crossword. P and A are in disbelief.)P: Wha?! Why did you do that for? I was going to win an Xbox 360!
A: Err… umm… I’m sorry it’s just-
P: You have no consideration for other people’s feelings!
A: But I thought you guys were seriously hurt or something
(Pause)M: It’s not like you would have won any way…
P: What do you mean? You said the Magic 8 ball said I’d win!
M: …I lied
(P looks stunned. Pause)
A: Any way, how did you guys get here anyway?
M: The Magic 8 Ball took us here. I was thinking of Thorpe Park but P the animal lover here
(looks at P) was day dreaming about the woods.
P: You're mean, I did nothing!
A: What? I don’t understand
M: Well… I have this special power you see… I ask the Magic 8 ball to take me anywhere I want and as long as I keep the picture in my head it will take me there, this involves other people if they are tagging along too.
(Laughs) that’s a bit stupid!
M: Don’t insult her!
(Talks to the Magic 8 ball and strokes it) Its ok he didn’t mean it, he’s just ignorant.
A: O…kay. Can it take us back?
M: I’ll try. Lets all think of a place
(Talks to the magic 8 ball) Magic 8 ball can you take us back home?
(Shakes the 8 ball, they all surround it. A message slowly appears on the magic 8 ball “Ask me later”) Ask me later?! What?!
(talks to the 8 ball) I’m sorry sweety, I didn’t mean to shout. Are you upset with the bad man you called you stupid, don’t worry M is here –
(A and P walk off, leaving M talking to the 8 ball) P: So… Who are you anyway and how did you get here?
A: I’m A and umm… I’m not sure
(puts hand on chin as he looks up)(FLASH BACK STARTS)A:
(A walks along and falls down stairs) Whoaah!
(shot of him lying at the bottom of the stairs)L:
(appears from nowhere) Have you had an accedent at home or work? At Lawyers that sue for gold we are real lawyers that get you the gold that you deserve... all of it!
(shot of hand trapped in door) You see that hand? Sued!
(shot of block of wood on floor) You see that bit of wood that shouldn't of been there? Sued!
(shot of stairs) You see them stairs? Sued! (
shot of lawyer) So if your interested call '0800 give me gold'... we're real lawyers!
(FLASH BACK ENDS)P: Pfft, that’s your power?
(Dazed and confused) Wha…What? …Power?
P: We all saw it
A: What? My flash back? I didn’t know I could do that… I don’t remember a lawyer being there.
M: I didn’t know I could teleport with my magic 8 ball.
P: That’s your power, you have flash backs in advert form… and we can see it too!
(Doesn’t look amused) So how did I get this?
M: It’s this place I think
(Screams are heard from the distance getting closer, they all turn around)
A: What’s that?
(takes a step towards the scream)(P.O.V shot of person running, panting and screaming. Shot of everyone from behind watching W stop)
A: Are you ok?
(out of breath) Get…. yourselves…. out of here
!(P, A and M look confused)P: What?
M: What?!
P: No way!
(looks back) RUN!
(Runs off screen)A: … What’s going on?!
P: Oh wow a polar bear!
M: It’s a killer polar bear!
P: Don’t worry guys
(close up on P’s face)… I think I’ve just discovered my power.
(walks up to the polar bear) Hello, Polar Bear
(close up on bears face, then back to P)
(whispers) What is he doing?
(loudly) I don’t know.
(Polar bear looks at M and snarls, he looks back at P and attacks)P: AAHHHH!!! M you idiot!
(he collapses whilst being mauled, the other two look away and run. Extreme close ups on bear attacking P. We see M and A stop, out of breath)A: … Are you ok?
M: Yeah, you?
A: Yeah… you going to be ok?
M: Sure, why?
A: You’re friend just got killed…
M: Yeah… he’ll be remembered (
voice is heard from a distance “I’m ok!”)A: What was that?
M: Yup…. He’ll always be remembered
(voice heard from distance “No seriously guys I’m ok! Wait for me!”) … Always